
卧式粪肥螺旋钻用于转移粪肥, sand or a combination of the two across barns and to processing or storage facilities.


卧式粪肥螺旋钻 are an important part of a dairy’s manure management system. Dairies that use alley scrapers or other manure scrapers to remove manure from alleys can install 卧式粪肥螺旋钻 at the end of their scrape lanes to eliminate the need to further turn and push the manure. 粪便被直接推入螺旋钻系统, 然后将其传送到接收水箱或处理大楼. 这些螺旋钻用途非常广泛. They can be installed in many different configurations and span hundreds of feet across barns, 小巷和人行道. Since they are typically installed in a shallow channel just below floor level, 卧式粪肥螺旋钻 don’t require operators to go into confined spaces for maintenance and repair. 卧式粪肥螺旋钻 are covered with grating or plating to allow animals and machinery to safely cross them.

由于安装要求的变化, 卧式粪肥螺旋钻系统有许多不同的长度, 驱动器, 密封的安排, 排水道, 轴承, 机库及建筑材料. They are also available with heavy-duty components for extreme durability in the harshest conditions. 


卧式粪肥螺旋钻 are installed in shallow concrete channels at the end of barn scrape lanes. A drive can be located at either end, depending on w在这里 it’s most convenient. 如果驱动器位于输送机的出料端, it’s considered a puller because it's pulling the material toward the drive. If the drive is located away from the discharge, it’s considered a pusher drive. 无论哪种情况, the drive is coupled to the auger shaft using a variation of drive shafts depending on what type of seal is used. 一个标准的驱动密封提供最低限度的保护,从粪便和沙子. If t在这里 is an opportunity for the manure level to rise above the 驱动器haft level, 使用密封驱动器. This type of drive uses a mechanical seal to minimize leakage into the gearbox. In severe cases w在这里 the manure level can submerge the drive, a submersible drive assembly is used.

Beginning at the drive end, the auger is built from standard auger components. Each 12’ section of auger shaft is supported at each end by a two-piece bearing, 由一组机库悬挂在螺旋槽中. 轴承是分开的,以便在必要时更换. Bearings are also available in different materials depending on the type of application.

一旦螺旋钻就位, 在将肥料推入的地方安装了栅栏. The 排水道 are specially designed to allow manure from either skidsteers or alley scrapers to go through while eliminating the danger of people or cows becoming entangled in the auger. 格栅也允许设备穿过螺旋钻槽. In places w在这里 the manure will not be pushed in but the trough still needs covered, 安装一个简单的板. These 排水道 and plates can be lifted off when the auger needs inspected and maintained.

The auger can be automatically turned on when alley scrapers push manure in, 或者,当使用滑车时,操作员可以远程打开它们. 计时器指示它们保持打开状态的时间长度.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Horizontal Manure Auger systems have been proven at hundreds of dairies to move thick, sand-laden manure; manure bedding; compost; manure fibers; and sand with little operator interface and minimal maintenance. 能跨越几百英尺, 以及改变海拔和方向, they are some of the most versatile and heavy-duty manure transfer systems available to the dairy producer. 我们的经销商和工程师都是专家, and they understand not only the need to minimize the time spent moving manure, 但重要的是不要阻碍牛的交通. They have the experience to tackle the toughest manure transfer problem and will work with you to come up with the best solution for your dairy.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全设备简单,坚固耐用,用途广泛. We offer heavy-duty options for flighting, bolted connections, 轴承 and hangars. Our coupling shafts are hardened in the area that supports the bearing to ensure the longest service life. 如果有必要的话, the drive system can be protected by the toughest mechanical seal system in the industry. 可根据要求提供访问和维护平台.



在现有的谷仓中安装了数千英尺的螺旋钻. The key is determining the location of the drive and the layout of the auger. 如果螺旋钻小于等于216英尺, it can be operated with one drive; anything over that length requires more than one auger. 

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 has a team of sales and engineering personnel who would love to speak with you about your application and help you work augers into your design. 点击 在这里 查看一些常见的布局. 

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Manure Augers can be used to transfer nearly any kind of manure across barns and to a processing facility.The 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Manure Auger surpasses all other options with its ability to move sand quickly and efficiently. Heavy-duty options are available to increase the wear life under severe environments. 点击 在这里 看看这些螺旋钻可用的一些选项.

The auger system must be covered with some kind of grating or plate to protect the people and animals from getting in the auger. 在刮进粪肥的地方,必须安装栅栏. In places w在这里 it’s only traffic, installing a solid plate is the more cost-effective option. 

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大多数螺旋钻都安装在井下 方型槽 那是专门为安装螺旋钻而倒的. 它们也可以安装在预制混凝土通道中, 但是需要使用特殊的机库板. 在某些情况下,它们可以安装到现有的十字沟系统中. 

特性 & 好处
  • 消除了在耙巷末端转粪肥的需要
  • 在谷仓之间快速长距离转移粪肥
  • 可配置重型部件
  • 单螺旋钻长度可达216 '
  • Multiple augers can be installed end to end to achieve lengths more than 216’
  • 多种驱动系统可供选择:标准,密封或潜水
  • Single-phase and three-phase motors are available, as well as hydraulically driven systems
  • 不同的轴承可根据应用
  • 许多标准组件都有库存,以便快速交付


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site and answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.