5 Common Questions 关于我们ing 沙床上用品 Before Anaerobic Digestion on Dairies

Dairies using sand bedding in their freestalls can utilize anaerobic digestion if they have a sand-manure separation system in place. Here are some common questions about sand-manure separation before anaerobic digestion.

沙子留在这里作为奶牛的自由式垫床. Sand keeps cows cleaner, drier and more comfortable than other bedding materials. 干净、干燥、舒适的奶牛更健康,产奶更多. 

A majority of dairy farms using sand will not consider anaerobic digestion due to the widely propagated myth that manure bedding is the only option for anaerobic digestion systems. Dairies bedding on sand also have valid concerns about filling digester tanks with sand.   

沙肥分离可用于预处理沙肥通过 在厌氧消化之前分离沙子. Adoption of sand-manure separation has the potential to substantially increase anaerobic digestion utilization, as it gives dairies the ability to recycle bedding sand and produce an effluent suitable to anaerobic digestion.

Without separation beforehand, sand bedding is incompatible with anaerobic digestion systems. 然而, 用沙肥分离, sand can be recycled for reuse as freestall bedding with milk cows and the manure effluent can be anaerobically digested. 

Here are five common questions about using sand bedding and anaerobic digestion systems.

1. 沙肥分离的理想奶牛场尺寸是多少? 有不同的系统大小吗?

沙肥分离系统 are operating with anaerobic digestion on dairies ranging in size from 100 to 20,000 cows. To cover this size range, there are four different sizes of sand-manure separation systems. 在规模较小的农场中, 100头乳牛 分离砂和 将废水送入厌氧消化池 在当地的污水处理厂. 这家拥有2万头奶牛的奶牛场将沼气转化为压缩天然气. 

There is a sand-manure separation system to suit any dairy regardless of size.

The SMS12 is a sand-manure separation system for dairies with fewer than 500 cows. 

2. 厌氧消化池进水的推荐固体总量是多少?

A lot of this depends on the type of digester — different types of digesters operate at different total solids ranges. 此外, the question to ask is “What is the total solids of the effluent on my dairy” and selecting an anaerobic digestion system accordingly. 

In today’s big push to capture the monetary benefits of anaerobic digestion, the anaerobic digester design market has been flooded with well-intended, 不熟悉实际乳制品生产系统的有能力的公司. Many of them recognize correctly that the total solids of excreted manure is roughly 12%. 然而, the total solids of your effluent is a result of how you manage your dairy and may vary with the weather and/or season. 加入客厅洗涤水可以将固体总量减少到6%或更低. 

选择厌氧消化器的设计者、供应商等. who can design and build a digester to suit the way you manage your dairy, taking into consideration first and foremost what is best for the cows.  

3. 混凝土砂在我住的地方很贵. 有没有其他的砂级选择,我可以使用作为床上用品?

ASTM C33 concrete sand is the washed fine aggregate ingredient used in making concrete. Sand possessing this size gradation gives concrete the strength required. The ASTM C33 is simply the particle size range for this sand ingredient. 

If there is competition for the use of concrete sand, the price may be high relative to other sands. 有两件事要记住. 第一个, 即使使用混凝土砂的前期成本更高, 捕获95%的沙子进行再利用是可能的, 这意味着未来只能少量采购沙子来补充库存. 

第二个, 即使它更贵(有时更便宜), some producers will pay the price knowing concrete sand minimizes the risk of discharging sand to an anaerobic digestion system. 就当这是一份保险吧.

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Sand bedding is considered the gold standard of freestall bedding because it is comfortable for the cows and prohibits bacteria growth.

Another thing to consider is that because concrete sand simply describes a size gradation, 任何名称的砂都适合作为层理. 我们把这种沙子叫做“建筑砂”,“鱼雷沙”,“层理砂”(管道用), 和/或“河沙”.”

也许最重要的是,混凝土沙对奶牛很好. It stays loose in the stalls and drains away any liquids from the surface, 确保奶牛最大程度的舒适.

4. How dry is the separated sand, and it is possible to make it drier yet?

An 农用砂石脱水筛 是任何沙肥分离系统的组成部分吗. Discharged bedding sand from a 脱水 Screen is approximately 12% moisture. At 12% moisture, the sand is “drip free” and reusable in less than one week. 

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农用砂石脱水筛s produce a drip-free sand that can be reused in the freestalls within a week.

这是可能获得的 干燥的沙子 使用一个 床上用品干燥机. 更重要的是, biogas produced from a digester (or natural gas or propane) can be used to fuel the dryer and produce sand at 99%+ total solids (less than 1% moisture). 热干燥除能杀死病原体外,还能去除所有水分.

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Sand discharged from a 床上用品干燥机 can be reused immediately in the freestalls.

5. Does the Hydrocyclone target the removal of finer sand before a digester?

The sand-manure separation process has three steps pre-anaerobic digestion, 每一步都能捕获更细的沙子. 水力旋流器 第二步是沙肥分离过程吗. 

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水力旋流器 help recover fine sand in the sand-manure separation process.

水力旋流器通过“侧向沉降”来驱动分离.“由于粪便排出物被泵在一个紧密的半径内, 重力增加了, thereby facilitating the settling of particles that might not otherwise readily settle simply by gravitational forces. 

As with any separation process, 水力旋流器 are not 100% efficient at capturing sand. 通常是厌氧消化系统, sand lanes are used as the third step in the sand-manure separation process to capture bypassed sand.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Sand-Manure Separation Systems can be found throughout the world on dairies of all sizes and in all climates operating with anaerobic digestion plants. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 for more information about how sand-manure separation systems can work with anaerobic digesters.

标签: Freestall管理, 肥料管理


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